Tuesday 29 March 2011

Who, Where is She?

                                              By Kelvin K. K.
I plead temporal insanity
An apt excuse for my vanity
I’m chasing after a mirage
Putrid sweat on my visage

Deep whence love prevail
I toil to settle a turmoil;
To calm a tempest in my soul.
I wish a break, a moment of peace
From restlessness: this imbalance

I ain’t a complete set
As I’m not whole in heart
Need a soul-mate to complement
My person to fulfill
Hence my purpose reveal

Amongst the zillion,
Maybe beyond Zion,
Awaits an angel, my own,
To teach me happiness.
But whence, my lady,
Art thee now?

Tu Es Mon Raison D'etre

                                                        By Kelvin K. K.
 Behold dear the world is behind,
Now the universe is me you and me.
Let me again do remind
What this love means to me:

If in the scenes that I’ll see
You happen be the centerpiece
They’ll be a breathtaking beauty

If in the sounds that I’ll hear
I’ll hear you do me endear
It shall be music to my soul

If the breath I inhale
Has your scent full
Then no perfume be needed

When my body is in agony
Your caress will suffice
Help tolerate any pain

If the meals I’ll eat
Have your lips for dessert
They shall be the best

To me you are mnemonic
Happy moments to remind.
For when was I ever glad
Than when with you,
Mon raison d’etre?


                                                   By Kelvin K. K.
Elephant the mighty,
For supremacy he fought,
Against lion, the being
Labeled ‘jungle king’.
But the tendrils of war
Stretched afar
Making each corrupt
Who is a democrat
Offering, to either, support.
So against the other you fought
And with mantras and pangas
Chased away the peace.
Now the peace is gone
The battle not quite won
Yet thou hast put anger in a heart
That kneweth not how to hurt
Killing the future a kid dreamed
And leaving their hopes shattered.
Pray much to God
That what thou hast mentored
Doesn’t become their tomorrow.

Monday 14 March 2011

About Me

There is really no much to say about this page at present, but much is coming later.